Apache Website
Kubernetes Voting Application
Website hosted on an EC2 Instance using Apache Web Server.
Bash script used to install server and customize test page.
Instance deployed through management console and commands ran through AWS CLI.
GitHub repository with design narrative and bash script
Demonstrated Knowledge: EC2, Apache, AWS CLI, HTML
Microservices application deployed on Kubernetes cluster.
Pod and Service YAML files manipulated through Visual Studio Code and Vim editor.
GitHub repository with YAML files to showcase build.
Demonstrated Knowledge: Kubernetes, AWS CLI, YAML files
HTML-based resume hosted on EC2 with CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions.
YAML file used to specify secrets and script needed to keep delivery/deployment continuous.
GitHub repository with design narrative and Actions for CI/CD Automation.
Demonstrated Knowledge: GitHub Actions, CI/CD Pipeline
Resume Hosting with CI/CD Pipeline
Game using AWS CodePipeline & S3
The image-matching game is hosted statically using an S3 bucket and is continuously deployed using the AWS CodePipeline.
GitHub repository with design narrative and game build files.
Demonstrated Knowledge: AWS CodePipeline, GitHub, S3
React App using AWS Amplify & Cognito
Simple React app using AWS Amplify for hosting/deployment and Cognito for authentication.
Amplify project initialized through Visual Studio Code using Amplify CLI.
GitHub repository with design narrative & files for React App
Demonstrated Knowledge: AWS Amplify, Cognito, GitHub, Visual Studio Code, IAM
© 2023 Clifton Weathers Jr